Monday, May 30, 2011

Final blog

My first year in bio was good i had a great time learning and i also learned new things such as body parts from different animals and fish.
My successes were disecting  the fish clam and craw fish.

my failers were mainly my test and quizes but i do enjoy being in bio

Thursday, May 12, 2011


The speices thats the closes to human was the squid because it has a spin like us and it has the eyes and almost like us it has ears to it can blalance and control its self.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


The most interisting thing in these week is the clam and the craw fish because both dissections were really fun and interesting because i never knew what was really inside of the clam and craw fish.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


what suprised me the most if the worm disteion is how much guts squirted out of the worm it was both slimy and messy but yet still awsome.

Thursday, April 21, 2011



               the alternation of generation is relates to plants because it is a term that describes the plants life cycle.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


competition: is a context between individuals
commensalism: is a class of relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits
mutualism: politically neutral movement that aims at creating and promoting mutual organizations
predation:is where a predator feeds on its prey
parasitism: is a type of symbotic relationship between organisms of different specis.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


The thing that is really confusing to me in bio is having to learn and memorize the seccion. Such as learning to determine werethere the bone is old enough or not . Then to learn how to keep your plants alive.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Unlike the united states , Mexico is as populated than the United States and people want a better life so they go to Untied States to make a better life and to start fresh thats why but its not only Mexico its other crouties to but UNited states is # 3 of being populated.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

blog #1

evloution is a theory because they are not that sure if it will happen or not like the flying car for exmaple an d cars that can float on water. I think it shoudnt be a law because the years are going fast and we need to advance in alot of things not just living